30kk! drawing for OTISSS!! ( otis legs look goofyy ahhh )
What do you guys think about this concept?
Java vs Bedrock in a nutshell.
Couldn’t think of a funny or clever title. Wut sentence you writing?
Petition to ban u/anarachychess-ai I feel like it’s more annoying than funny and while cool for a while it’s just gotten old
I'm a bear cub stuck in a tree
java elitists dodging the fact that you can download 99% of mods and packs on bedrock for free ( not marketplace and on console )
Ultra fast chess [DAY 2]: Every single comment gets added
Tech mod mfs explaining to me why a coal generator is called a Thaumaturgic Conflagration Conduit of Unfettered Energetic Transference. ( it turns coal to rf ONLY )
which animal could an above averaage human player with basic hand to hand combat skill tree be able to defeat?
which brawler is the best for parallel plays in hot zone?
Been playing since 2017.
awsome mindset and a sense of emotion
what mod pack would be best for me?
Looking for 2 new mods!
Welcome to 2C2E a server on the Xbox one with no rules. all you gotta do Is friend my gamertag Malexon1
They genuinely believe free content is what makes java "different"
5 adult men ( above avergae atlethic stats) with metal bats vs angry lowland gorilla
so I hired a hitman
Do you guys agree? Or are we cooked?
Two bucks isn't exactly a SUPERthanks if you ask me
3 clips of: „This is called prawn ready“