Which character is more disliked by current fans?
Who’s a physically attractive/hot actor who has shown the ability to play an outcast or a nerdy/geeky character really well? (Pictured: Emma Stone in Easy A, an outcast)
Is there an equivalent to “Vegas, baby!” (Ie “Madrid, baby!”) that’s a common thing people say when visiting other cities?
Is Las Vegas the only city in the world to which people commonly refer to it as “Vegas, baby!” when visiting?
Favorite buddy-comedy duo?
What show has an intro that is much better/more memorable than the show itself?
No BO reported for Queen of the Ring?
Current Ranking of all 35 Marvel Studios Films at the Worldwide Box Office(Brave New World is #32)
What cross overs would you like to see?
🔪So did Warren deserve it or not?
What do you think of the pacing of the whole Grant-Lex-Tim relationship? Grant going from not liking kids to being protective of them seems natural, because terror/chaos brings people together, but it’s sped along for the sake of the movie.
Does it feel like to you that time genuinely goes quicker now than it did, say, 10+ years ago? Where a week now feels like half the time it did in 2014 and prior?
Warning: ‘Avatar: Fire and Ash’ Will Be Longer Than Its Predecessors
Since no mammal is known to be entirely hairless, could it be possible that no dinosaur was entirely featherless?
Buffy ending the show single is one of the best things to happen for the character
Pre-Avatar Cameron was different gravy
Happen to catch an old episode of Family Ties. TIL Crispin Glover played a role as MJF’s buddy
What are some of your controversial opinions about Buffy, The Vampire Slayer???
What is the dumbest take or theory you've seen about the show (or Angel)?
As an adult who was born in the United States, what would increase the likelihood of you learning (or wanting to learn) a new language? Or to even aspire to become multilingual?
What’s wrong with Jerry?! What’s the most stupid, neurotic decision he’s made that most disappointed you? Kiss this gorgeous woman, man!
Florence Pugh Describes ‘Thunderbolts*’ as a "Quite Badass Indie, A24-Feeling Assassin Movie with Marvel Superheroes"
Why do many of the most highest commented and upvoted posts on Reddit revolve around/feature the word “hate”?
What are your thoughts on Anne Hathaway as an actress?