HEP2GO was hacked and now has viruses/malware
Anyone Following Bill for More Pay?
Question about the Key of a harmonica
Valved or valveless chromatic harmonicas? Seydel Deluxe Steel Vs Easttop Forerunner
Golden Barb Suddenly Injured
Harmonica question
I have Been playing For two months and wanted share a video.
10 years of playing harmonica at the end of this month. If you like what I do please consider checking out my band as well💜 (Heath.band on Instagram and Heath on Spotify)
I want candy still needs work. Key of c harmonica
Singin' the Blues EP
Anyone want to practice together?
Personal hot takes about boxing
My first public upload (Hard Hearted Woman, played and sang), Looking for constructive criticism.
Hey lovely people!! My band just released their new single today. Curious to hear what you think. I play harmonica and sing. Cheers from the netherlands🧡
Vibrato question and some extra questions.
The TOCFL and the Home Edition
Nina Simone - Feeling Good (Harmonica Cover by Amanda Ventura)
Just having some fun practicing :)
Adam Gussow's Blues Harmonica Tag
I shot a leg off a cataphract. Why didn't I get it as salvage?
I turned werewolf metal into a jolly folk jam: "Blood for Blood" from Powerwolf (multitrack harmonica cover)
Homeless Man Living On My Couch Blues Jam
Satan and Adam - Thunky Fing (summary)
"I Need" - Brandon O. Bailey
Can someone tell me what type of harmonica is being played towards the end?