Tell me a line from the first 20 seasons and I will try to guess the character who said it and the episode it is from
Make a headcannon for this guy
Recommend me movies like these ones:
Post your #2, #3 and #4 films of 2024 and I/whoever else wants to will try and guess your #1
The Joker puts a gun to your head and says he'll let you live if you can make him laugh, what sort of joke are you telling him?
Any gym bros who can give me any advice?
Back when didney wasn't afraid of success
I guess we're doing this now
Wile e coyote has already eaten the roadrunner.
Como se llama el? (Solo respuetas incorrectas)
You are dessspicable 📻📺(art by smolcilla)
A question as an anime fan.
Do you get offended by the word zesty? Or the English or Spanish trend?
what does it look like if he put ena dream bbq on cartoon network
What should I draw?!?!
I don't know what this is?
The crossover we needed
I swear to Satan, if Andrealphus starts calling Octavia his ‘aggressively attractive niece’ when she becomes of age…
MOD POST: This sub turning 13. What will we do?
Write Pomni a villain song in the comments
Pedophile on the sub
Check out my balls
Posting gay stuff till I get a bf, day: 57