Question about loadouts
Trumps newest Truth Social post
Ready for gaming.
What is your favorite dialogue interaction from the game?
Are night raptors worth running in 30K?
My first Infinity mini! I’ve learned I am terrible at faces, but what a blast to paint!
Night lord catephractii WIP
Nearly finished catephractii terminators.
Recon squad for Horus Heresy
My first Dreadnought (Leviathan Siege dreadnought), a journey.
Some of my recent painting efforts
Upcoming Affiliations?
Have at thee!
One siege master a day to keep the walls at bay
Contekars are so much cooler than the standard terminator models
Nostraman Swag - Terminator Kitbash Complete
List advice
I for one will be holding out for the one that reads 'I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion' - with a picture of the Bengal famine behind him. Which commemorative Churchill stamp are you most looking forward to?
My local Warhammer store doesn't want people hanging out
What do you all think about converting these in to Night Lord’s raptors.
My first attempt at lightning, how can I make this look better or is it fine?
New player, what next?
Where to next?
Bad Omen Synergies?
We’ll go together then shall we?