Why are you on my profile?
Y’all, Imma Need Your Comfort Today 😅
Guys guys guys guys GUYS!
Will I pull men with this? (VERY VERY SERIOUS)
What's your type?
Ask me anything :)
I guess we're doing this now
Posting gay stuff till I get a bf, day: 66
How old are you all?
What's yalls ideal body type and have you achieved it?
i know where you live
Some of you know some of you don’t, but it is I the meat 🥩 man and I’m sad to sad I will be retiring from my posting as I have…
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I did it
Rate my hard stick 😩
Is my music taste bad
How's y'all's love life?
When did you first feel truly seen and accepted for who you are?
Stories of how you met your S/O?
Why is ouija so____?
Error moving File or Folder The Requested resource is in use
"Plz don't ______ me!"