[Game Thread] Georgia Tech @ Syracuse (12:00PM ET)
The Commonweath of New England in 2030, Ten Years after The Great Uproot
I work in a tire shop. I see this way too often in customers cars. This particular car was dropped off.
[SHITPOST] Volksrepubliek West-Vlaanderen
there is no lithuaniaspheres contest
Stolen tanker truck rams cars in Memphis area. Driver shot by police *Better quality video than previous post.
le hestory of niemcy 1: *germanic noises*
How to stop watching porn.
Officer I would like to report a murder
Coronavirus: Singapore PM calls for end to US-China blame game, wants to see leadership from Trump administration
This guy gets tired of waiting on a wreck to clear up and makes his own wreck
Lets not forget that with the XFL suspending play.....
Megathread: Joe Biden wins MS, MO, MI Democratic Presidential Primary
r/cringetopia starter pack
Super Tuesday | California, Texas, North Carolina, Virginia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Colorado, Tennessee, Alabama, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Utah, Maine, Vermont, American Samoa Primaries - Discussion Thread [Mar 3]
Petoriaball Image
Debates should on public access tv
Idiot holds up traffic so he can turn right from the left lane....
Iran Says US Must Fix Its Own 'Nontransparent' and Undemocratic Elections Before Lecturing Others
What's the worst thing that has happened whilst you were kissing someone?
Hahaha nice one ESPN
I'm sick of the America = bad , Europe = good argument
The meme has T R A N S C E N D E D !
There is less interest in the Jewish community that was attacked because the attackers were black.