Rookie doesn’t know the power he has yet…
Old APC BackUPS XS 1000 Problem
7 years before & after testosterone
Menu found in old 1930's Scrap Book
Mind blowing revelation
ibm manufactured protogen (art by me)
Lots and lots and lots....
It took me years to finally find some, now where does it go?
RADIUS PIVOT 14", 1991
Thoughts on the hobby when Gen X/Y are gone?
Tell me something that leaves you like this:
I don't care what anyone says, these are the best wii games
What song is used in this animation?
The circle continiues
Have Not Seen Windows 7 Installing Updates in a Long Time.
Auto shop recommendations?
hard hit emoji questions
How much do i sell my gaming laptop
Chad G502 vs. Twink Superlight
Restricted Mode Problem
I was told this dumb meme would fit here with you idiots
Just got myself one of these
Pov: When u need to have a Server like Laptop in Antarctica 🥶🧊