Possessed Piper from s03e08 is basically real Piper from S4 onwards 😸💀
What is the most forgettable Charmed episode?
I’m so enamoured with Leo.
Your least favourite episode and why (..was it 8x2 jk 🥲)
Idk about you, but I definitely see sparks flying here 🔥
My Favorite Pheobe Halliwell Outfits
She looked so stunning during S3 😍 I can't believe they told her to lose weight back then. Absolutely ridiculous 🙄
A question seen on another subreddit: What did you completely forget about the show and only remembered by rewatching it?
V čom ste vyhrali genetickú lotériu?
Quote from every episode (Day 1, Something Wicca This Way Comes).
(ne)závislosť na alkohole
Sladkosť z detstva
In honor of Holly Marie Combs' 51st birthday, what's your favorite Piper quote?
Choose your high school bestie 😎
Would the two of them get along?
Paige's best hairstyle? 😻
Phoebe's best hairstyle? 😻
Were the three of them really that close, tho?
Underexplored relationships 👥
What the heck was this "relationship" about?
When you have chemistry with the whole family 🔥
To be or not to be a witch? 🤔
The most toxic relationship? ☢️
"Piper it's me".. What color? "The Pink One 😊"
Favourite non-magical/normal life moments of the show ✨