who was more active: your highschool self or present self?
If you could choose one non mythic/legendary PRF skill to remix, what would you pick?
Greater Canada in blue
Greater Canada: New England and the bluestates in 2024 election join canada.
would you be open to the older legendary heores have level 3 to prf skills?
what if canada suspends or puts more taxes to discourage/stop potash to america?
what would happen if canada in retaliation heavily stops the export of potash to the USA?
faithfull loyalty 2 question?
Make a headcannon for this guy
i like the change in mcgucket.
what are some dry humor jokes you have thouhht up?
im confused about the pines family dynamic.
why bill arranged preston Northwest's face?
Wrong universe, Bill.
do you feel sorry for thompson?
is it possible to destroy Bill's body
this is so cute
what if the beet sugar process wasnt discovered?
stanley pines is quite smart.
the Gleeful family ironically isnt so gleefull.
Is Bud Gleeful a bad dad?
were the smile dip makers on to something?