Lenire - Day 42
Susan shore device
Can hyperacusis cause TMJ? Or cause it progressively because of sleeping position due to H?
Donations to hyperacusis research
Does H heal?
Mine went away
At what dB threshold does your hyperacusis become uncomfortable / painful?
A simple question about the pharmaceutical industry
feeling of dizziness, “drunkenness”
Has anyone tried to stimulate his vagus nerve ?
Stimulation of vagus nerve
Research Presentation
Faut arrêter d'en faire des tonnes sur l'IA
Hyperacusis Recovery
Drugs? High...chance of success?
Let's stick together, that's what makes us strong.
New hyperacusis paper (Wood, Fuchs) - on the role of type II fibers in hyperacusis - opinions ?
Pink noise
HELP. Live performer with Hyperacusis
Cell regeneration with lasers
Just need support
So plugging up 24/7 is bad?
Clomipramine helped H/Nox
Basic question
SSCD Diagnosing