How much do you think Hotch inherited from his parents?
Is Monica supposed to have OCD ?
Why didn't the other actors make it big?
Placenta previa a 13 weeks posible?
Bacteria in urine sample but no UTI symptoms?
If you could choose which friend out of the group to trust, approach for comfort and to be your best friend, who would it be and why?
Snape was probably ostracized within the House of Slytherin during his school years at Hogwarts
Can fatigue means I'm anemic?
Can’t believe that Rachel was 1 week late having her baby but she was still working. Is this typical of the US?
Lets play this game ! Which of Friend’s “side” character fits for Box 1 (most upvoted comment wins)
Now I just need to block!
Sometimes my bump feel tight/hard
Help! My basket handles broke
I just started the show!
DAE have an inconsistent handwriting?
Panic Attack Diagnosed at ER
Dark chocolate have geavy metals in it?
Lima no es el problema…
Boyfriend says abortion or lose him
What is your knitting ABSOLUTELY NOT?
Vivir cerca de la PUCP en Lima
the pregnancy exhaustion.. how do you cope?
Unexplained Heavy Bleeding with clots