Scaring expectations
Went to ER and got treatment on picture 2, what kind of treatment should I get for this to minimize scaring?
Please Help, Should i continue Yoga Asanas?
What was the hardest pose for you to learn?
How to help mid-level engineers increase their cognitive capacity
Why can't I do my job?
What do interviewers *actually* look for in System Design Interviews?
Need a good documentary to watch while tripping
Great to be running back on trails after 2 months
I’m looking for more women authors who are psychonauts.
How can a blind person learn yoga?
Philo or Pothos?
Help with dischidia oiantha variegata
The hell do I do with my jacket??
Hero dose with terminally ill brother
Salvia compared to Ketamine
Let's talk entities.
What's a dead giveaway that someone grew up poor?
Animated Entities:)
Smoked a blunt while peaking here
(F) in my 30s and have no idea how to find a signature scent!
Has anybody had sex on shrooms? If so what was it like?
Knees hurt too much
Virgo moons pls report yourselves for attendance