What's a trait that makes you instantly more attractive?
What do first time home buyers need to know?
What lyrics to a song are immediately identifiable by only a few words?
If your EX text you "Baby I love you, I want you back". What's your reply?
What’s the most impactful piece of wisdom your father ever shared with you that still guides you today?
What would the global reaction be to a Spacecraft from outside the solar system entering the atmosphere and landing in the middle of times square?
If aliens landed tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d say to them?
What's the common lie people tell themselves?
what movie scenes have you paused on so many times?
Trump says President Zelensky should be nicer to Vladimir Putin
Should I take a job making significantly less than I was making before I lost my job in January? Why?
Should I take a job making significantly less that I was making before I lost my job in January? Why?
What do you think happened to Gene Hackman, his wife and dog?
Who was your first ever crush from Hollywood?
Flat-earthers! (Just finding out about y'all) How did you come to your beliefs? What's your favorite explanation?
What do you do when you slacking off in a meeting?
To the US soldiers here on Reddit: How would you react if there were an order to attack Canada?
What are problems found in Online Pet Stores?
What’s a food combo that shouldn’t work, but somehow does?
What’s the biggest “plot twist” that happened in your life?
What’s the most disturbing fact you know?
What’s something you miss about being a kid?
What’s the biggest animal you think you could realistically beat without using any weapons?
If you had three wishes, what would you choose?
My happy little boy Kevin.