First test models finished
The 8th's contribution to The Nachmund Campaign
Bray Shaman Conversion
30k army for 40K
In lieu of the upcoming Emperor's Children release
What are your Old World hobby plans and how are they going?
Give me your bone recipes please
Finally finished the night lord trilogy and just wow just wow 10/10 I get it now it’s actually so fantastic I’m sad I’m done with it here hoping they will do some sort of continuation in the coming future!
Help fir making khaeron
Trying to go for a battle worn Ultramarine, but a friend of mine said he looks more like a Night Lord. What are y’all’s opinions?
“I have to finish everything for that boy.” -Malcharion
Jump Pack Lord finished!
Told to post this beefy boy here, Minotaur finished
Recon Marines Finished
First Beastmen test model finished
Night Lords Abaddon Kitbash
New to the hobby. Is it possible to make an entire NL themed army?
Narrative news???
What we saying gang?
They Can Take Paddocks, But They Will Never Take Our Horns!
Issues Ranking up Gor with Bestairum minis.
Let His 99 names resound
War Wolf Assault Beast Complete
Heretic Team so far !