How would you rename each of the fantastic four?
February Numbers are in.
February numbers are in.
Would you take spider-man’s powers but no webs? Not even organic ones
The Fans turn on Nick Lowe
Who could be the next big threat once the Maker is defeated ?
USM keeps notching wins.
The Graphic Novels That Sold Over 100,000 Copies In Bookstores In 2024
We made it to 5000 Members!
The Ultimate Couple.
Tributes to my Favorite couples in Current Comics
What tropes used to be common but you don't really see anymore?
Absolute title pickups
Black Panther Vs. Wolverine
Richard and Felicia by @arzergex
If AI takes over I’m with it!
Peters Dark development.
The brain of a man converted into glass by Vesuvius ash cloud
RUMOR: Kevin Feige Is Planning To Step Down As Marvel Studios President... But Not Anytime Soon
Why do people hate Tom King so much?
Marvel will let anyone except this man be Venom. Why Paul?
Any chance of a spoilers rule for all previews?
Richard Parker Vs. Hulk and his immortal weapons.
Cover for Predator Vs. Spider-Man #2