Looking for a movie trailer
What do you specialize in?
I have no idea how people are making it on less than 70k/yr.
Can you become a CVT/LVT/RVT without going through school?
Drug logging Question
How much will it shrink?
Has anyone ever worked for corporate directly (not as clinic staff)?
This scene
Isolation set up
Are you suturing as a tech?
Dental sutures
Why fear free is so important (15 week old kitten)
Are there actually characters where you were glad that they left?
FINAL ROUND: Huang has been eliminated with 56%. Vote for your FAVORITE character!
So far the worst mouth I have ever seen. This was a new client euthanasia.
I miss my old doctor 😭🥺
Hello! I am trying to make a cheat sheet or nerd book for myself and newbies. Does anyone know good templates or somewhere we can print out cards and such? I put a reference photo for example. Thank you all in advance for the tips!
bad day
So how much are they paying you these day?
Scalp pain
🔥 I wanna go to Bryce Canyon
How can you hate kingdom hearts with a passion when you don’t know what it’s about and have never played it