Dan Seavey and the Red Navy Secure the Red Libertarian Pirate State
Medieval Paths
Wheel of America #41 The Democratic-Republicans Rise from the Ashes
In this 1941 Osman IV and his Afghani Sardaukar Legions have restored the honor and glory of the Ottoman Empire!
A corpse has been running america for a year and a half
Illyria gets a massive focus tree; what do you want added?
Does the horrible accent last the whole of Abandoned Ship?
What are some Radical Good Country Paths?
Three Principles of the People, with Triad Characteristics: A Du Yunsheng Shanghai AAR
Update on the Book
While the attempt to create the Idel-Ural State in 1918 failed, yet another civil war in Russia brings an opportunity for Tatars to finally achieve their dream. Even if the leadership of the new republic is in a power struggle, each force has its own vision for the future of the region.
What country path is your favorite?
Traditionnalistic Slavic Paths
Ehm... Excuse me but what the actual f...?
Any little known but great paths?
What are the best submods?
How many unique puppets/protectorates does Emperor Norton path get for the PSA?
All Autdem ideologies Kimbanguism a New Eden in Africa
this sub bro 😭
Fordlandia, Fordlandia, 'tis for thee. Every deed, Every thought 'tis for thee. Every deed, Every thought... 'tis for thee.
22M, be brutally honest
My roommate’s snowman decoration makes me uneasy
18M Rate me
I was raised a baptist christian but have been distant from the religion for a while, being more agnostic. I have just come to the conclusion that Jesus never actually claimed to be God. I feel lost.