When Ahna told Summer that she looked like Little Bill I was rolling cuz she shol tf does 🙌🏾 👏🏾 😂💀😭
jela vs summer leak
it’s abt time summer get a new wig.
Summer spoke on slims deceased father & snuck her; picked fights with EVERYONE; snatched Jaz’s chain and hit Ahna off guard. summer got what she deserved! PeriodT.
Scotty and rollie following each other again, it was all an act to get sympathy for scotty lol
Lying from the tip of her chinny chin chin
What yall think 🤔
This make me think a lot
Slim is looking tf good! 🔥
is this slim?😭she looks so good holy shit. gorgeous.
i just gained so much respect for ivori..
Jela and Crummer arguing 👀
sundays ep
"The creator" ( monkey scene )
It's so over you guys, RIP 😭😭💀
What are ur unpopular euphoria opinions
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just for the record? who started the origin of the slim vs rollie era
Every-time she argues with someone I’m noticing a pattern…
Ahna v big lex
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wtf is this slim storyline ???
Tinkabella girl?