Our priorities are straight and totally necessary
what crazy person actually prefers Seikret control Type 1?! 😨
Trying to learn the Charge Blade, is blocking ever better than dodging out of the way? Not talking about Guard Points of course.
Can’t seem to beat any 5 star quests
I'll be honest what's hill are you willing to die on?
Should I pick up MHGU?
Is the game more active on PC or ps5
Recommended Gunlance Builds?
Why do people think Doom promotes Satan worship?
Real or not real?
It's funny how weak gunlance is in MHGU
Nami & Gemma outfit swap By eiichiroyoda
PSA! airburst can now combo into wyrmstake and wyrmstake-fullburst!!
This is the new artillery skill.
What shelling is the best for early game low risk and learning monsters moveset ?
Whats a monster everyone seems to love but you can't stand?
With the release of MH Wilds drawing near, I would like to gift a few copies to those unable to find the funds to purchase the game
A compilation of threads, going as far as 14 years back, talking about Monster Hunter (enter version of your choice) being too easy...
Is defense really that frowned upon?
Can Gunlance cut tails?
Which platform you gonna play Wilds?
Wilds Release is coming so close, so why don't we list the QOL and gameplay designs from old Monster Hunter games you find annoying that you're happy the modern MH changed them
I miss Monster Hunter old maps...
Provision Division Supply Drop seems pointless
I started watching One Piece for my Husband and I’m not sure how to tell him I don’t want to finish it.