Who are the class clowns?
An Important Diplomatic Announcement from the Government of Fuckoffistan
counties I’ve come to so far
What did you get?
I will rank your micronation
We are looking for micronations to join us
Join New Anders as a citizen!
Rest In Peace, great aunt.
Countries giathio recognises
Enfj x infp
Religious guilt and trauma
Which one are you?
What the fuck?!??
Fellow musicians of r/teenagers, what instrument do y'all play?
Pick a number
Tallest tower in Svancoberg
Leftists, Comrades, please rank the new Propaganda:
How are your legislative branches run?
Mbti & your favourite/least favourite subject at school
How tall are you?
Are aliens welcomed to the sub?
New Anders plans ban on fascist party
I caused a war over a silly idea
I just got destroyed by asking a question on the INTJ reddit and it’s ruined my day