You could just let the bots have this one
Ursa Medivac suspension is magic
Hehe funny spinny engine fans :)
Thou dare fire thine puny Russian gun at mine fabulous Firefly when thou are in a uptier? Perish.
IS-4M Appreciation
Izumi and Reijo (by @Better_w_salt)
The Dangers of Delivery (by @Better_w_salt)
Oh the misery
But why can’t they just stop for 2 minutes?
plays ground rb, looks inside, planes
Hot-headed Nurse [Sena, Serina] by マガツリ on pixiv
Day 136 Of drawing Seia until she became playable!!!
How would Legion and Feldreß fare against modern MBTs?
Who wins? (86 Juggernaut vs M1A2 Abrams)
Vehicles used by nikke
To the bushed up Nashorn sniping me in Vietnam
New copium I cooked :)
"Business Casual"
Three question marks, and the description for this gamemode is a reference to the movie "300"... HAND ME MY MEDS!!!
The Japanese be waving all these cake and expect us not to do anything?
What would be your thoughts on including survival kits in smaller ships, like what the air force distributes to its pilots for the event they get shot down in hostile territory? Do you think that such SERE kits would be a good addition to the game?
I tried to drop my nuke when it said “drop the bomb”, but it didn’t???
WE NEED MOAR!! (Apply in comments)
Please stop asking me about adding more, I'm sure I've got all the big funny ones
First Kiss Challenge By: @warashi67 and TL by: @Slowrider88