The revelations about Adamantine
Top 50 comics February
Imo, they would be a good couple.
Wolverine #7 Preview
new hints about future things in the X-men comics
Which new marvel hero will you wanna see in earth 6160 ? ( share what marvel heroes or villan you wanna see )
What makes Logan a fascinating character to you?
Ultimate Wolverine #2 Tops Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List
Do you have any ideas what the new "Ultimate Comic Launches" that Marvel teased would be coming this Summer
Any guesses on who the telepaths will be?
So... what did you think of the second issue of the Ultimate Wolverine comic?
Spoilers Ultimate Wolverine #2
Ultimate Wolverine #2 - Official Discussion Thread
Ultimate Wolverine #2
Possibility of Cates writing sixth Ultimate ongoing?
Do you think there is still a chance that Wolverine is a clone of the original?
Ultimate Sabretooth
Ultimate wolverine #5
Marvel reveals Ultimate Universe solicitations for May 2025
Pretty familiar with Xmen comics, but not super well versed in Wolverine solo comics. Ive got a few questions
X-Men Monday #284 – Joe Casey Talks ‘Weapon X-Men’
Book I got signed at Megacon
Top 3 worst fancast i've ever seen.
January numbers are in.
X-book rankings in the top 200 for January 2025