Giving out some extras from my alts! Comment what u want! Will pick 5 winners! Ends after 24hours!
LF top of the first pic / To offer all the rest, can do multiple for 1
Which should I max?
Looking for mirror + your trinket To offer mirror + my Gigantamax
Looking for pic to offer pic and many more shiny legendary that can be lqveled up to 50! I have lucky Trinket!
LF pic TF pic and pretty much any shiny legendary thats been out in past year
Looking for GMax Venusaur Offering Gmax Blastoise
any gmax raids?
Looking for Top. Offering Bottom no
My Alt keeps geting them, so have to pass luck to someone here! Giving 1 away today! 5PM EST!!!! Drop a comment which u want!
Looking for pic top of the first pic... To offer LvL50 Legendary and more
anyone else having this issue or can tell me wtf is going on? I get all the way to the fight and then get kicked.
LF/offering offering below. Hoping someone can meet in LA today to take advantage of multi trades! Thanks
Looking for Shiny Reshiram with Background! Offering the same and would use my lucky Trinket!
Looking for Pic nr1!!! To offer all the rest, feel free to ask for multiple, many of the legendarys i can level up to 50!!! LvL1
Is this rare?
Looking for this gengar offering a shiny kyurem with background and trinket
Looking for shiny Kyurem with either LA or Taipei background. Must have glaciate. Offering picture below.
🚨 Announcement: Lucky Trinket Trades Update 🚨 - No more eligible for new friendships!
Looking for pic offering pic
how many fused kyurems do you have maxed out?
looking for 2019 ray if possible, have lots to offer please dm
LF: GMAX blastoise & venasaur FT: just ask
Looking for pic To offer pic/+ on ALT Latias has Jakarta and Yogyakarta BG
LF 3 Shiny Kyurem Offering guaranteed lucky AM