What's the point of youtube premium if pretty much every youtuber has sponsored ads anyway?

Just as the title suggests, I pay for YT premium but as you know; most big creators will have a 1-2 min hello fresh ad that's just baked into the video, meaning if you DONT have YT premium you're seeing twice as many ads and if you relent and pay for it....you still see ads and you cant even "skip" these you gotta fast forward, before I got premium I'd be skipping through a baked in ad, only to get an ad then skip that and have to resume the ad I was skipping,

I get it, It's a Sponsored ad, they get additional revenue from that, but isn't that the point of premium to Y'know...not see ads? seems a like double dipping for a Youtuber to get ad revenue from the video then put an ad on top of that