bearman/bearsquatch ???

a few years ago I remember watching some monster horror stories and a few stood out in the back of my mind. now I'm trying to figure out what this monster/cryptid/creature was/ is called. the creature was describes like bigfoot and a dogman, large hairy bulky with a short muzzle claws and teeth. more bear like than dog like. one story was of an officer called to a farm house where there was an attack report but she was attacked by this beast in the drive way of the farmhouse, it chased her down and attacked the car. another story was of a family being attacked in a home, not the palmyra wolves but a lot like it, but the father and son in the story were huntingor hiking the property any found a giant cave/den structure in the woods and heard growls from deep inside it. the monster had a native American name, I think it started with a C/K/CH sound. anyway does anyone else know what the heck I'm talking about? i can find no such creature anywhere anymore and am having a bit of a mandela effect feeling about it...