How are we feeling about the new Hideo Kojima Game OD? What does it stand for?

I'm already getting sucked down my own rabbit hole of theories on a trailer that was literally 3 faces and a door. But I'm wanting to try and figure out as much as I can about what this game could be about.

My first thought was to look up meanings for OD on Wikipedia and I felt like it could stand for an Optometry Doctor mainly because this trailer is so focused on their faces and the reflection in their eyes that maybe there is an importance surrounding eyes in this game? That's kind of stupid I know but just interesting how there seemed to be such a focus on the reflection of eyes in the trailer.

Another thought I had while searching was Osteochondritis dissecans which is when cartilage or bone fragments becomes loose in your joints which is again kind of far fetched but just an interesting thought for it to maybe have some sort of symbolism to whatever pain or fear these characters are experiencing for when we know more about it.

The obvious choice here too is it standing for overdose but I just haven't seen enough to really believe that fully especially with how Kojima likes to play around with initials to things like PT.

Outside of the title please give me some ideas to any theories! I love speculating about his games and I'm so excited to see who he's collaborating with beyond just Jordan Peele (maybe Guillermo del Toro?)