Lenire - Day 42
Yesterday was the SIX WEEK VISIT with my audiologist. As always, did a THI before we drove the 50 miles to the clinic.
Now, I actually got bumped up in queue because I had a 98 score. On testing / intake day, I was rocking a 78. So that was my starting point.
A difference of 6 is clinically significant. So a 72 would be a very good result after 6 weeks.
Drum roll…
…my score was 24. As in TWENTY FOUR. I was totally okay with anything close to 50 after 12 weeks. I felt I could live with that. This is an outstanding result.
Now, all that said, still have 6 weeks to go. ANYTHING could happen. After the happy dance at the clinic, we settled down and discussed this for nearly an hour. THIS IS AN ATYPICALLY GREAT RESULT. Again moving 6 points is expected. And some people have have had 20-30 points drops. But, this could be temporary.
So cautiously happy.
Notes on Lenire: did NOT change any settings on device; it is obviously working fine. The tongue tip replacement is $350 when needed. My audiologist says my method of dark and quiet room, reclined, with zero distractions is excellent but Lenire will never push for that due to the choking hazard. I am at a 45 degree incline and HAVE dozed off 3 times in 6 weeks. Tongue tip just fell out and woke me immediately each time.
So feel pretty good and encouraged. Obviously!
Stay tuned, kids!