Hot take; this situation was Ragatha's fault, not Jax's
I've been thinking about this situation recently... SOMETHING about it rubs me the wrong way. There are two way's to view this scene.
For one, maybe Ragatha, Jax and Gangle really did just intend to hang out playing together, Jax accidentally broke the mask and Ragatha was upset... that's the simple but boring answer.
The more complex way to view it?
Ragatha all but set Gangle up. SHE was teaching her how to throw the ball, which implies to me it was HER idea to do this. It just so happens the two playing are Jax and Gangle, his favorite victim? Nah.
And then when Gangle's hit, she asks Gangle if she's alright... and despite Gangle being in pain, Ragatha does nothing to help her up or comfort her. Instead, she starts screaming at Jax, even after he insists it was an accident.
"Why do you always treat me like a bad guy? I'm not really a bad guy!" This is a situation where Ragatha can express her hatred for Jax and look the good guy.
Notice the contrast of how Zooble DOES go out of her way to help Gangle after what happens, despite not even being there. And considering Ragatha is NOT included in the drawing of Gangle's friends at the end, I'm sure this wasn't an accident. Hell, the way Gangle is more mad at Jax for denying her authority than helping Ragatha is an EXACT parallel of this moment.