Need Advice: My father (60M) recently passed away, sister (24F) is pushing me (27M) to move back home with my mother (54F)
I'm a (27M) that recently lost my father (60M) . My mother (54F) has expressed that she doesn't want to live alone. I have a younger sister (24F) that lives a few hours away (for work reasons) and I live 5 minutes away. I feel that I'm being pushed by my sister and a few other relatives to move back with her after not living at home for almost 6 years..
As a single 27 year old dude I don't know how I feel about that...
I love my mother dearly and would want whats best for her but I'm not sure what effect on multiple aspects of my life that may have..
I guess I'm wondering what other people in a similar position have done or are doing?