
Does anyone elses parents suffer from delusions and paranoia? My uBPD mother has had them both my whole life and its getting worse. Nothing like hearing voices or complete breaks with reality (that I know of) but she does think people are out to get her , that someone listens to her calls etc. It seems to come and go and is worse when she's stressed. Like she had an annoying neighbor who she didn't get along and that set her off to her thinking he was breaking in , stealing stuff etc and then she just got more paranoid on general

Or if her phone breaks up she thinks it's tapped like it's 1955

Or the doctor's refusing to treat her because of some made up vendetta they have

Or the mysterious illnesses and ailments she has

Or a newer one is that she has it in her head I was abused by someone as a child. She's not sure who but she thinks this is why I don't talk to her. Because she thinks I resent her for not protecting me. The only one who abused me was her and its like she made up this story in her head because she cannot admit she was the problem ... so it must be someone else? That's her only explanation for why I'm low contact. God forbid she actually listens to me on why. It's so insane.

The list could go on and on. I'm not sure why this is happening but I hope to God this isn't hereditary