Any other self-hating Co-op members?
I know the prices are amazing and majority of the items there are of high quality (the fresh fish selection is garbage though), but it is full of the meanest people I’ve ever met. I’ve been a member for 2 years now and I’ve been knocked over, pushed out of the way when I was in the midst of grabbing something down from a shelf, had people take stuff out of my cart while I had my back turned, had a crazy old woman literally crawl in between my legs to get a box as I packed my groceries at checkout, and been looked at with such disdain when I asked for help getting my groceries to my Lyft when I had a broken leg (because this particular person hated Lyft? No idea on that one).
It’s just such drama all the time and everyone is so resentful to be there.
I’ll still keep going because I can’t bring myself to quit the co-op because the prices are so low and I do love those injera chips.
Anyone else also in this camp?
OP Edit: I decided to post this because I joined the coop to be a part of a community and the way I’ve been treated on a number of occasions and how others are treated, doesn’t vibe well with what the coop purports to be. I was wondering if I was the only one who felt that way.
In case anyone really is questioning how real these incidents are, I’m just under 5ft tall, a woman, and a small frame.
Here’s the details for the ridiculous encounters I cited over a 2ish membership period:
Knocked over when I was squatting down to grab some snack bars (like the Kind ones) from the second to bottom shelf in the fast checkout lane aisle
Pushed out of the way when in the midst of reaching for a box of tea that was one of the last remaining ones all the way back of the shelf
This one happened ~2 weeks ago- Was using a double decker basket cart and I had some items from the dry packed goods aisle (ie: a bag of couscous, banana chips, nuts, etc….) and turned to get an ollipop and some woman was taking out my coconut chips. Didn’t even apologize when I said “hey those are mine.” But she did put them back. Maybe she thought it was a restocking cart, but still, it wasn’t labeled as a bulk cart or had multiples of an item.
Crazy old woman literally crawl in between my legs to get a box as I packed my groceries at checkout. I had a few remaining items to pack up as the next person was being checked out, so I turned to be at the end of the bigger checkouts. Didn’t even say excuse me, she just went ahead and did it.
Had knee surgery for a meniscus tear last year, I went towards closing time on a weekday and yeah…the guy was probably in a bad mood and had nothing to do with me, but it sucks to feel like you’re an inconvenience when you’re literally on the mend and in a place that claims to be a community.