Sincerely, how are people feeling about congestion pricing, both drivers and residents?
We live in Jersey City, I take the PATH a few days a week, my wife is work from home... Admittedly, I'm a transit advocate in general, so I was for this — but I've been amazed at the general benefits I'm seeing for JC just these last two weeks.
We used to get so much cut-through traffic, with so much honking and idling, it seriously made the mornings miserable. Even though we're only a brisk 20-minute walk from school, we'll often drive because Manny if the drivers were so reckless. Used to take 12 to 15 minutes to do so, because Newark Ave was so backed up with people sneaking to the tunnel. That seems to have totally vanished, and now we can get to school in 6-8 minutes.
Genuinely curious if otherwise who don't work in Trenton or Washington have experienced similar benefits? Or horror stories. I'm just genuinely curious how this has effected your day to day being possibly a $27-$45 weekly tax on those who drive. Can't tell if the PATH is now crowded, but I have seen reports about the buses and trains... Are you changing when you commute, or even if you go in?
Thanks in advance for sharing. Hope we can have an thoughtful conversation (who am I kidding, but worth a shot 😁).