Names similar to Alice?
Not expecting, just dreaming <3
I've realised recently that Alice is probably my favourite girls name, and if I had a baby this very second it would be my first choice for a name. However, there is already a baby Alice in my family so it's off the table for me (I know it's very normal in many families for names to be repeated, but it isn't in mine). So I'm wondering if this sub can recommend me anything similar?
I love that Alice is timeless, pretty, but also kind of neat and contained - if that makes any sense at all! I generally prefer names that end in a consonant sound ("al-ISS") or an -a over names that end in -ia or -ee sounds (e.g. Mary/Maria) but there are exceptions to both rules.
Other names I like that have a similar feel imo to Alice are Beatrice, Nina, Harriet, Eliza, Elizabeth, Grace, Sarah, and Esther. Thanks for your time!