As a survivor of overly-similar twin names...
Yeah, don't do that to your kids. My name's Kaelin (KAY-lin), my twin brother is Kaiden (KAY-din). My mom was constantly so frustrated that we never knew which one of us she was calling - like, girl, you're the one who caused this problem! We didn't name ourselves!
We spent most of our childhood referred to by pet names that we weren't even overly fond of (Bubba for him, Sweetie for me) just so people could tell who our parents were talking about. We also have rhyming middle names - May and Jay - so full-naming us when we were in trouble didn't really help with the differentiation either. We looked incredibly similar to each other until we hit puberty, as I was a bit of a tomboy (not sporty by any means, but I always preferred to wear 'boy clothes' as I found them more comfortable), so we got mixed up by people all the time. I don't think it permanently scarred us or anything, but it was a frustrating thing to deal with that could've been fully avoided if our parents didn't decide to give us practically the exact same name.