Kenyan women shooting their shots (ladies why?)

A neighbour came over to borrow an ironing box during the weekend, here's how it went:

First the dera has the tits pointing straight at me like an arrow and the silhouette of her cat smiling at me. Si nikampea akaenda. Ama wewe ungemnyima?

Right now 10 something usiku nimegongewa mlango, checking it's her amerudisha and she has what they call a crop top - tits almost popping out and arrow nipples pointing with a mini version of what is a mini skirt - I could see the lips peeping between the thighs no panty, very sexy belly beads, warm smile and smells like chocolate that you'd bite without thinking twice.

Handing over the iron box she shoots her shot in a funny way " Pole aki nimekaa nayo I hope mamaa wako hatajam na mimi, ningekupigia hata zako ukitaka. "

Smiled it off, nimechoka nataka kuenda kuoga nipikie ugali na mayai niteremshe na mala nilale.

Anyone else smelling the scent of ovulation this week? mimi wananisumbua. Why won't the ladies be direct too sema ni mti unataka upewe, OK? Najua atarudi huyu but that's for another day.