Am I a bad person?
So yesterday I'm receiving call f4om a unknown no. I pick up the first time and it's an ex ghosted me last oct...and I wàs this kind of gal who goes "let's fix this ,what's wrong ..." Oh well long story short he had another person and I quitely checked here's the thing I'm obvi mad so when I hear his voice I go all crazy on him nikaamuliza now that aninitafuta kwani mtu amekufa...aksema we need to talk but I wanted to talk four months ago na alikua anajiona skari..he begged continuously nkakataa Today I learn he had lost his younger sis yesterday...eish I felt bad and like a monster ...he's a shitty human being but then losing a sibling...I think I was heartless but then I had no way of knowing ama nikujiconsole najiconsole?
Update: blocked his ass I did send the text though And I choose me