This man made me alight a bus and walk to my place of work, context I'm male too. I'm just seated by the window reading Reddit stories because there's nothing much I can do as I wait for my stop. This man just asks a question out of the random and we start talking, I'm a talkative person so I'll just engage in any conversation and I fit in pretty easily. The man progresses and says he stays around Thika road, I just reply and say I stay around Mombasa road. He goes on and talks about how he parties in Mombasa Road and I being in my twenties tell him that I like my partying in Thika Road or Westlands. I really can't explain how the conversation went on to be sexual with him, mind you the way I'm seated I can see my dprint on my trousers since they are somehow tight. The man just casually says he together with his 2 male friends were having sex with some random women during the weekend and how he was getting hard seeing his friend just pounding on another woman. I shrug him off by saying I just can't have sex when another male is in the room with me. He then points to my dick print and asks "unaogopa kuonyeshana mboro yako". That threw me off and I had to say that I've arrived at my stop. Luckily it was just a 10 minutes walk to work but brother ewww I feel bad.
The ride to work just takes 10 minutes from town.