Watu wangu kumechemka🙂. I am a 24(M) who has been dating a 26(F) for the last two years, tukipatana na huyu dem I was in my prime financially and everything was just clicking for me, mimi huyo nikaona manzi mrembo nikaamua this is it, we courted for a month and I was like this is really what I want so I kept telling her my mind and eventually she opened up to me. We started dating but here comes the twist, the chic was fresh from a break up and I did not get that point at that moment, a part of her emotionally was still bruised but it never clicked to me at that moment. We moved in together and I got so interested to hang out with her that even when she was a minute late I felt like I was burning inside and the build up later came to become frustrations, I could have done better and understood her. Now here came the plot twist, she one day came to me telling me how her friend was struggling and that she really felt sorry for her, at the time I decided to help her out for my gf sake and delegated her some work and even paid her better than the market rates just to help her come up. The lady ended up messing up in a way that I felt was intentional, nikalose job ilikuwa inanipea around 300k per month, I felt broken keeping in mind this was something I had worked so hard to bring up. I went to my gf and asked her to ask her friend why she did that, her unknowing of the magnitude of what had happened, she responded unwelcomingly, that now really affirmed to me that this girl was here just for the money and nothing else, resentment resounded in my heart from then and my personality changed. I came to believe that it was all about provision but later I have come to be proven otherwise. That hate has taken me to heights of disconnect with her until she realised it and it started to become issues to her. Fast forward to yesterday, the chic came clean and told me that she was tired that my personality has changed to become hostile to her that barely a day passes without and argument. I came to a point of reconning na nikaona I was wrong. This chic is the most important thing to happen to me in the last few years and I would not like to lose her but at the same time I am at crossroads. Please help