my one year suicide anniversary
Around this time one year ago was my last suicide attempt. I was suicidal from around 9 years old and tried killing myself pretty much every other week with various methods. (I'm 22 now) On 14th of February 2022 i cut my wrists and sent some goodbye texts in result of that my friends realized what was happening (again) and called an ambulance for me. I got into a mental hospital and was diagnosed with depression and BPD - got the help I needed. After that I haven't done anything bad to myself - of course I have had some tough times and bad thoughts but no suicide attempts. I have a really good friend who has dealt with similar issues and is extremely liked, respected successful and generally the cool guy (which i was not) and he kept telling me that i should just "stop giving a fuck" as I was trying to be nice to people and "fix the world" - which now I know is a symptom of BPD - but even now in retrospect I was a good person - working in art with other underprivileged kids and helping them to work through their shit (I was working professionally)
After I got out of the mental hospital I said fuck it and took my friends advice - for the past year i have been actively trying to be the "sigma" asshole. At first it was fake but now it comes more naturally which is kind of scary to me but the results speak for themselves - people want to be my friend, i have achieved a lot more in my personal and professional life and, which was a big problem before, girls really like me.
The question for you Reddit: Why do people like people who don't give a fuck about them - when I did nobody cared, but now that i don't people come running after me. (Before you say it's a confidence thing - the point is I'm on the same path I was before, but after all this betrayal and heartbreak I'm ready to burn down anything that stands in my way and that goes everything that civilization humanity and the concept of a team is built upon - so why are people more attracted to that than working as a team)
If you read this far then have a nice life :)