Overdose on Oxycodone and Not sure what to do

I overdosed on oxycodone took 15ml instead of the prescribed 5ml. I am a 17-year-old male, approximately 5'11" tall. I experienced various symptoms, including small pupils, slow heart rate and breathing blurry and foggy vision tight in my head and headache. Everything felt distant or disconnected from me and my surroundings. I also felt very dizzy had bluish fingertips, and experienced nausea for an hour, with symptoms peaking at 20 minute mark. I did not inform anyone during that hour. Following this episode, I experienced a euphoria or high happy sensation, which I refer to as a "happy." I have not disclosed this to parents, and am concerned that I may be developing an addiction to oxycodone due to my desire for that high. What steps should I take?