Do NOT use this hide!!!

I got this from Petsmart and I thought this hide was wonderful, but it turns out it's EXTREMELY EASY for them to wiggle all the way up to the top of the hide and become lodged in place; like mine did. Please check to see if it is hollowed out in the circled area if you have one of these. He wasn't able to turn around or back up. My poor baby got stuck, and since it was under the heat lamp, he got very hot as well. When I finally realized where he was, I had to break the hide into multiple pieces to get him out which was very stressful on both of us. Save yourself the trouble and if you have this hide, please replace it immediately. Luckily he was okay, but even the vet couldn't understand why they marketed this to me for my leapord gecko!

I got this from Petsmart and I thought this hide was wonderful, but it turns out it's EXTREMELY EASY for them to wiggle all the way up to the top of the hide and become lodged in place; like mine did. Please check to see if it is hollowed out in the circled area if you have one of these. He wasn't able to turn around or back up. My poor baby got stuck, and since it was under the heat lamp, he got very hot as well. When I finally realized where he was, I had to break the hide into multiple pieces to get him out which was very stressful on both of us. Save yourself the trouble and if you have this hide, please replace it immediately. Luckily he was okay, but even the vet couldn't understand why they marketed this to me for my leapord gecko!