Fan service good or bad?
Fan service in films is always an interesting topic..While I like it and enjoy when the director keeps a few scenes specially to match my favourite actors strength I can also understand the view point of others saying it takes you out of the film..I respect that..
What I don't get is how is it cool and "Peak cinema" when some actors does it and horrible and ruined the mood when other actors does it..Vijay is criticized for kathi refrence master refernce leo reference alright let's say those are serious films but what about goat? People expected all this in a vp film only no? But at the same time both Rajni and Ajith are often praised and people seem to hype the directors for these references why is that? I even saw comments like we need only a proper fan service film nothing else damn what a shift in tone that is..I thought stars making films only for the fans was bad for the industry ryt? At least that was this subs view till a few days back, no did it change or is it all Pr?