Question regarding a hadith

Assalamualaikum All, I pray that you all are well inshallah. My question is about the attached image. I was scrolling on TikTok and this video came up with this Hadith and i just wanted to know is this true and if so does anyone here have the source. I once judged someone for a sin that they were doing and I regret it so so badly as now I’ve started to realise that the same sin they were doing I’m starting to fall into it too, I pray that inshallah Allah Swt can forgive me and instead guide me. Its affected my mental health so badly and i believe that i am also experiencing waswasah due to this. Im so ashamed and upset with myself and if i could go back in time i would never have judged that person. Jazāk Allāhu Khayran💕

Assalamualaikum All, I pray that you all are well inshallah. My question is about the attached image. I was scrolling on TikTok and this video came up with this Hadith and i just wanted to know is this true and if so does anyone here have the source. I once judged someone for a sin that they were doing and I regret it so so badly as now I’ve started to realise that the same sin they were doing I’m starting to fall into it too, I pray that inshallah Allah Swt can forgive me and instead guide me. Its affected my mental health so badly and i believe that i am also experiencing waswasah due to this. Im so ashamed and upset with myself and if i could go back in time i would never have judged that person. Jazāk Allāhu Khayran💕