How do I create a shower habit when I hate showering and I'm so ashamed I don't have one already? 34F
Hey y'all - I am in desperate need of some help. Before I dive in: PLEASE just scroll by if you have anything mean or judgemental to say - I am very embarrassed about this problem as it is and if "just do it" were a real solution we wouldn't be here.
Here's my problem: I absolutely hate showering, and ever since I began working remotely during the pandemic, I cannot keep up a regular habit of it. Having to shower for work used to (mostly) be enough to force me to shower a couple times a week, but now that I rarely leave the house, I similarly rarely shower. Lately it's been getting worse and worse over time. It's currently been almost three weeks since my last shower and I feel absolutely disgusting.
Here are some of my barriers: - ADHD and depression - It's become such a NOT-habit that now it often just never occurs to me - I hate being cold when I take my clothes off to get into the shower and when I get out of the shower - I don't like being wet - I don't like how my skin feels dry and tight afterwards - I often feel too tired / like it's too much effort
Things I have tried to make showering more appealing: - Robe for immediate pre/post shower warmth - Pretty shower curtain and eucalyptus over the showerhead for Vibes - Bathroom mood lighting - Listen to music/podcasts during - Those nice smelling fizzy things you drop at the bottom of the shower - Lotion immediately after for sensory issue - Different times of day to see if any feel more doable - Trying really hard to stop thinking of it as a moral failing so the shame doesn't compound all the other stuff
I am truly at a loss and I'll take any and all ideas for how I can make the experience not-awful and how I can turn it into a habit.
One thing I'll say preemptively is that scheduling things to do outside the house to "force" a shower does not work - I will stay home rather than shower, and that is really my biggest reason for wanting to address this issue - I want leaving my house to not feel like a huge production anymore.
Thanks in advance for any insights and advice!!
EDIT: Thanks so much for all the replies so far!!! I'm replying here and there but definitely reading all of them.
One thing I wanted to ask now that it's come up a couple times is to please not suggest masturbating as a way to make the shower more enjoyable- I know these were well-intentioned suggestions and those who made them had no way of knowing this, but I was SA'ed last year so unfortunately that's just not a viable route and even reading the idea gives me some low-level sress. Thanks <3