Help with dischidia oiantha variegata

Hi guys, I'm a newbie to plants and I got this one in May, and back then the leaves were much fleshier and thicker, in the last few weeks they've gone thinner, dryer and more paper-y, to the point where some are showing veins and are curling in on themselves. It also had a a boost in growth recently, but in the last couple of weeks it's like it's hit pauze, even the tiny leaves that showed up last are exactly the same size as a few weeks ago.

I water it once a week on average, from the top until the water starts coming out at the bottom, and the soil gets dry to touch in between waterings. I might've been getting less light in the last few weeks. Any idea what I'm doing wrong, and can you tell me if this looks serious (I really love this plant 😭)?