Worst cousins ever

These are not my cousins but are my friend’s. This is quite a short story so I’m gonna get it over and done with.

My friend who I’m just gonna call F, had a couple of adopted cousins (I guess you could say that) who still had parents but was in custody of F’s grandfather these cousins would get some pocket money every now and then but when they didn’t, they would annoy the hell out of him until they got it. The great thing is when they turned 12 they got the choice to stay with F or leave to go to their real parents. They went with the best possible answer and left.

At entitled kid’s birthday party F’s Grandfather bought her a nice new latest Samsung at the time and her mother bought her an iPhone 11. She smashed the Samsung which sent the grandfather into tears as it costed around £900 and couldn’t afford to get phone insurance and so didn’t get anything back and went into a really bad spot with money and was also refused a pay raise at his job.

TL;DR: Expensive birthday present go smash because entitled kid liked iPhone.