I got a brain operation under hypnosis. Do not underestimate your body’s power. Big Pharma wants you to think you can only rely on them. I had 0 pain.

I just went through something that shattered everything I thought I knew about medicine. I had a brain operation — under hypnosis. No general anesthesia, no heavy meds. Just my mind and the power of focused intent, guided by a skilled hypnotist. And guess what? It worked. I was conscious the entire time but felt zero pain.

Your body is capable of so much more than we’re told. Science is finally starting to admit that hypnosis can numb pain and accelerate healing, but the mainstream medical industry? They don’t want you to know. Why? Because if you realized how powerful your body and mind are together, you’d stop relying on their endless pills and overpriced treatments.

Big Pharma doesn’t profit off healthy people who take control of their health. They profit off fear. They’ve trained us to think we’re helpless without their chemicals. They’ve buried alternatives like hypnosis, energy healing, and natural remedies under a mountain of skepticism and ridicule. Why? Because there’s no money in a cure.

I know this sounds wild, but I lived it. If hypnosis can make a literal brain surgery tolerable, imagine what else our bodies are capable of if we just tap into the right mindset.

Do your own research. Don’t just take what “they” say at face value. You are so much more powerful than they’ve led you to believe.

Let’s take our health back.