It’s misogynistic to not want female characters to be pregnant apparently
I’m a fan of a popular series, and the ending and epilogue left many people disappointed, including myself. I was disappointed by the lead female character’s ending and how her arc was handled, and how my favorite ship was handled but whatever, I accepted it and moved on because it’s not that serious.
For context, this all happened on twitter, so anyone familiar with the app can tell how this will end. It was announced that this series was getting another one shot follow up and the fandom gets anxious and exasperated because of what happened last time when the epilogue released. One tweet suggested jokingly, might I add it could show the female lead pregnant, and a lot of people didn’t want that including myself. I don’t hate kids or pregnancy or families, but I hate when main characters have kids because it’s very cliche, usually poorly written and it will usually the main characters become absent from the plot or not as prominent because the sequel focuses on their kids.
But a whole discourse came out of this of how if you don’t like the idea of the female character being pregnant, you’re misogynistic because you think lesser of pregnant women/mothers or equate being pregnant with being a homemaker. And I’m just like, what?? Where did that come from?? I’m sure there are people who think like that and that’s not okay of course, but most people don’t like it because it is very cliche.
I can’t stand fandom nowadays (especially on Twitter) and how overdramatic and hypersensitive everyone can be.