Little kids can’t be that interesting

I don’t get it people fawning over everything little kids do, like yes, I get little kids can be cute and do cute things, but everything they do can’t be that interesting. My maternal cousin has very young children (toddler and baby) and while I have no issue with them since it’s not their fault obviously, whenever they visit or I have a family reunion it becomes all about the toddler and baby. Like I get it, they’re cute, but they gush and make a big deal out of everything they do, and they all talk about stuff relating to them and I’m just like, it can’t be that interesting, right? My maternal side of the family isn’t very big either so nearly everyone is like that and it’s a bit annoying.

Maybe it’s a me thing since I’m not a big kid person, but doesn’t it get to a point where it’s not that special anymore? I guess since kids are small and cute it makes it endearing, but I don’t know.